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Monday, January 10, 2011

The Power Of Your Intentions

How powerful are your visualizations?And the intentions behind it? Well, according to some of the latest research they are very powerful and can have a significant effect on your life and results when you learn the right process for setting your intentions and connecting with the infinite intelligence that governs all of life.

We are finding scientific evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are in fact creating our own reality and results, and the whole process begins with your conscious and unconscious thoughts.
For years I have been studying and applying the best that science has to offer us and here is a great way for you to apply some of what I have learned to manifest whatever you desire.
Upon waking from sleep, sit quietly with your eyes closed. First begin with a few deep breaths to get centered by inhaling in through your nose and exhaling through your nose 5-10 times. As you do this, release all tension and thought as you relax into an alpha brain wave frequency. The alpha frequency is a lower-frequency brain wave ( ) to send your intentions into the quantum field of all possibilities. When we are in an awakened state, we are mostly in a faster brain wave frequency called beta. Beta frequencies are conducive to day to day activities and work but are not the most conducive to manifesting your intentions.

Think of your brain as a radio that can receive and send out signals. When you enter an alpha frequency you are “switching” stations from receiving to sending mode when you focus on a very clear intention. Alpha can also be accessed to receive messages and thoughts from the quantum field, the part of the universe you cannot see with your eyes. If you’ve ever been in the shower and a great idea has popped into your brain, chances are you were in an alpha brain wave state.
Let’s start with the world of quantum physics. First and foremost, quantum physics is the study of how the very small world, one we cannot see with our eyes, operates. Since we live in two worlds—one that we can see—and one that we cannot, it’s important for us to know what these two worlds offer us. Scientifically we now know that even though we cannot see any connection, both worlds are totally interconnected at every level.Newtonian physics helps us understand how to navigate the known physical world, and quantum physics helps us to understand the very intelligent non-physical world in which everything is connected to everything else, and from which and all known physical “things” are manifested.What we’ve discovered in this new realm of quantum research is that whatever we focus on and emotionalize often, is what we will attract and actually see in the quantum field of all possibilities, or better yet, probabilities.
As weird as this may sound, this is now being proven without a shadow of a doubt. What this means is that the more clearly focused we are on exactly what we want, the easier and faster we’ll manifest everything we need to make it a physical reality.
Since all material things move from the non-physical to the physical reality, our vision and goals are paramount in the process of achievement. Our vision and focus acts like a magnet that attracts and connects the pieces together.
Alpha brain waves

Another thing to keep in mind is that the universe operates by natural laws, exact precision, and perfect order. Our vision, then, must also be precise and exact in our mind in order for whatever we need to be attracted and shown to us by the intelligent forces that govern all of creation. When we focus our brain on what we want, we actually increase the amplitude of the cellular vibration and cause the “attraction” factor to really take shape.
When we choose a vision or goal that is bigger than our current reality, we are in essence creating a gap or a vacuum between what we want and where we currently are. We know from natural law that nature fills a void or gap in the fastest and most efficient ways possible.
You too, will attract exactly what you need to realize your dreams when you really start to believe and feel your vision becoming a reality. It’s the clear and consistent vibration of your vision that brings forth your needs. You provide the seed, the universe provides the resources.

Ok, so now that you have your clear vision, decide in advance what is your intention. It can be an answer to something you need or a person you want to attract or manifest something like money or a soul mate. Once this choice is made and you are in an alpha state, simply focus on the end result you want and make it as real as possible by imagining that your intention has happened already.
While you are imagining, get totally into the emotional feeling that your intention has already occurred and then let it go. This is the part most people have a hard time with because they want immediate evidence that something is happening. The universe will show you evidence when your belief in the universe’s power matches your intention. In other words, you will see it when you believe it, not the other way around. Believe, and the belief will become your reality.Your clear vision is your seed. Choose it wisely and precisely, and riches beyond your imagination in every area of your life shall be yours.
This is a daily ritual that the best manifestors in the world do everyday and it will change your life.

Here’s to your success. I wish that all your dreams come true!

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With love and passion,
Amreish Siman