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Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Seed

'If i don't start now,then when?Aged 16,light years ago i planted a seed deep under the ground and childishly(or maybe its meant to be) whispered that it should only begin sprouting 13 years later. All these while it was germinating and has actually been growing beneath the surface feeding on the nutrients available but never grew out of its skin somehow obeying a childish order of a 16 year old kid who's now a 29 year old man.As per order,the seed now is prepared to rise above the ground to see the light of day,plunging the 29 year old man into an obsessive jittery seeping into every pore of his consciousness,knocking him off his comfortable axis, begging him for sunlight.The energy from the seed is soaring but he's been trying to contain and pacify it which is working against him threatening his current course of life much to his disbelief and dismay.Now,who planted the seed?Who gave the 13 year order?If he remains deaf to the calling of his own creation,he's bound to be consumed by his own fire of extinction.Its time.Its high time! AWAKE ! RISE ! ACT !

With love and passion, Amreish Siman

1 comment:

  1. Thật thú vị! Mình rất vui khi đọc được những dòng này,có lẽ nó được viết rất lâu rồi! Chúc Hạt Giống trong bạn đã nẩy mầm và vươn thật xa!

    It's very interesting! I'm glad to read these words, may be it was written for along time ago! Wish The Seed in you rapidly sprouted and rised up so far...
    ( My EL is not good! :) )
